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Pros and Cons
Complete Tool For Amazon
Fully Managed Services
Freemium + 7 Day Free Trial
Lacks 24/7 Support
Can Get Expensive
Unclear Refund Policy
Value 3.0
Features 5.0
Customer Support 3.3
Scalability 5.0
Overall Score
User Rating
1 reviews

What Is SellerApp?

SellerApp is an AI-powered e-commerce intelligence platform filled with advanced features made to empower Amazon sellers and Amazon PPC with comprehensive data analytics, automation tools, and operational insights. 

Founded by Deepa Shah and Eytan Weiner, SellerApp aims to assist sellers in maximizing their potential on Amazon. Established in 2016, the company is headquartered in Singapore and operates with a team of over 50 employees globally.

The tool provides its customers with advanced product intelligence, keyword insights, advertising automation, and sales analytics, enabling users to better optimize product listings, enhance advertising strategies, and scale their businesses. Recognized as an Amazon Ads Advanced Partner, SellerApp distinguishes itself with its focus on actionable data-driven solutions tailored to sellers’ needs.

It stands out in the e-commerce analytics sector for its deep integration of machine learning algorithms that help sellers identify high-potential products, understand market trends, and streamline operations for profitability, and the platform’s commitment to providing real-time metrics and automation tools supports sellers in making informed decisions to drive business growth.

10 Pros and Cons

Below are some of the pros and cons of SellerApp and its features. These are common complaints and praise that current and former customers have with and for the tool based on extensive use:

5 Pros

  • Cost-effective compared to similar tools.
  • Extensive product performance, competitor analysis, and keyword insights.
  • Robust automation tools for efficient ad optimization.
  • Supports Google Data Studio integration and provides APIs.
  • Supports multiple Amazon geographies at no extra cost.

5 Cons

  • Knowledgeable but can have slow response times for customer service.
  • Custom data reports can be slow.
  • May be overwhelming for beginners, requires a learning curve.
  • Occasional sync errors with Amazon changes.
  • Difficult to navigate if unsure about specific needs.

SellerApp offers a range of pricing plans designed to cater to various customers and business needs. Their Freemium plan, ideal for sellers just starting with Amazon, is available at no cost and includes basic functionalities like Product Research and Overview, Product Intelligence, Advertising Overview, Campaign Manager, Listing Quality, PPC Insights, and Ads Automation. 

Free Plan
Trial Period
Entry Plan
Premium Plan
Amazon Optimization
Supplier Database
Walmart Integration
Transparent Pricing
Scam Reports
Refund Policy
Clear Terms Of Service
Free Plan :
Trial Period : 7 – 14 day
Entry Plan : $99/month
Premium Plan : $499/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :

For customers with multiple products looking to grow revenue, the DIY Professional Plan starts at $99 per month, offering extra features like Insights, Keyword Tracking, Listing Quality, Email Support, and Ads Automation. 

For businesses aiming to scale, the Smart Plan with Automation is priced between $149 to $250 per month, providing additional benefits like Quarterly Business Reviews, Email and Chat Support, a Dedicated Account Manager, and Custom Development.

In comparison to competitors, SellerApp’s pricing is competitive, offering robust features at a more affordable rate, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses looking to improve their Amazon operations without incurring high costs. SellerApp also provides support for multiple Amazon geographies without extra charges, enhancing its value proposition.

Below is a breakdown of SellerApp’s main features. These include powerful tools and product intelligence features that assist with better research and better product listings, helping sellers more easily conduct research on Amazon products and manage their database of offerings. 

Research Features
Keyword Research
Product Research
Competitor Insights
Rank Tracking
Listing Optimization
Chrome Extension
Supplier Database
Sales Analysis
SellerAppSellerApp Features
Keyword Research :
Product Research :
Competitor Insights :
Rank Tracking :
Listing Optimization :
Chrome Extension :
Supplier Database :
Sales Analysis :

Amazon Private Label Brands Solution Software

The Brands Solution Software is a comprehensive tool designed with lots of features made for private label brands to optimize their Amazon PPC and general presence on Amazon. This solution offers a complete package for optimization, automation and intelligence, focusing on measuring performance, planning, and tracking various business metrics. 

The Product Intelligence tool allows brands to leverage next-generation SEO techniques by providing data-driven insights that reveal the nuances between competitor profits and potential sales losses. To enhance product discoverability, the Listing Quality Enhancer delivers real-time insights and actionable recommendations that improve ranking and visibility. Advertising 

Management features enable efficient ad campaign scheduling and budget control, ensuring that ads run at optimal times without exceeding budget limits. Furthermore, the Competition Analysis tool offers a 360-degree view of listing quality, allowing brands to benchmark their profitable products against competitors and receive alerts for any discrepancies. 

Performance Advertising Service

SellerApp’s Performance Advertising service is aimed at engaging shoppers across their buying journey using a multi-faceted approach. The service leverages Amazon’s Sponsored Products to establish initial connections with customers, boosting product visibility in search results and improving product launches. 

Sponsored Brand ads are utilized to tell compelling brand stories, elevate brand messaging, and showcase profitable products effectively, while Sponsored Display Ads are employed to re-target customers, enhancing brand recall and conversion rates. SellerApp’s dedicated Amazon PPC optimization service ensures that every aspect of the campaign, from keyword research and campaign structure to bidding and optimization techniques, is well-managed to boost sales. 

The approach is granular, ensuring that each ad is tailored to specific customer touchpoints, thereby maximizing engagement and ROI. This service is particularly beneficial for brands looking to navigate the complex and non-linear customer journey, ensuring that they reach potential buyers at the right moment with the right message

Buy Box Winning Strategy Report

This report provides businesses with a detailed analysis designed to enhance their competitive edge on Amazon. This report includes a comprehensive competitive analysis to determine Buy Box’s share in the market. It identifies lost opportunities, reveals which competitors won them, and at what price points. 

The report also evaluates key factors influencing Buy Box status, including pricing strategies and shipping methods. By optimizing these factors, businesses can improve product management, increase their profit margins and maintain a higher percentage of wins. The report offers actionable insights, such as optimizing prices at the right times to boost Amazon PPC profitability and strategically evaluating competitor pricing and shipping to stay ahead and convert paying customers.

Additionally, it provides a thorough breakdown of parameters with extra features like Buy Box price, winner identification, and sales potential, allowing brands to make informed decisions and enhance their overall performance on Amazon.

Beyond the core analysis, the report’s features extend to monitoring and tracking trends over time, giving businesses a dynamic view of their market position. These features include historical data analysis, which helps identify long-term patterns and shifts in box ownership. Moreover, the report’s predictive features use advanced algorithms to forecast future winners, providing a strategic advantage. Integration with other SellerApp features, such as real-time alerts and competitor tracking, ensures that users can promptly respond to market changes. 

These combined features make the Buy Box Winning Strategy report an indispensable tool for Amazon entrepreneurs aiming to maximize their success, stay ahead of the competition and convert more customers. 

Customers can expect responsive assistance from the SellerApp team, particularly in addressing specific needs and feature issues such as custom audience metrics and detailed category performance metrics via API integration. 

Dedicated AM
Phone Support
Help Center
24/7 Support
Live Chat
SellerAppSellerApp Support
Dedicated AM :
Phone Support :
Help Center :
24/7 Support :
Live Chat :
Courses :

The platform provides personalized training to set up seller tools according to individual preferences, reflecting a commitment to helping customers maximize the platform’s capabilities. What’s more, SellerApp’s customer support extends to assisting users in analyzing campaign performance, gaining insights, and automating advertisements, particularly through their PPC tool. 

For users looking for information outside of the official documentation, SellerApp also provides an active Facebook community to help with troubleshooting and common issues.

Growth Features

SellerApp’s advanced features encompass a comprehensive suite of services and tools intended to empower sellers and agencies to optimize their performance in a highly competitive online marketplace. 

Growth Features
PPC Optimization
Review Generation
Inventory Management
AI Assistance
Managed Services
FBA Reimbursement
Customizable Alerts
SellerAppSellerApp Scalability
PPC Optimization :
Review Generation :
Inventory Management :
AI Assistance :
Walmart :
Managed Services :
FBA Reimbursement :
Customizable Alerts :

From Amazon Private Label Brands Solution Software offering optimization, intelligence, and automation for private label brands to the Performance Advertising Service facilitating precise ad campaign targeting across the customer journey, SellerApp provides tailored solutions to enhance brand visibility and drive sales.

The Winning Strategy Report offers detailed insights to improve competitive edge, while Agency Solutions cater to the diverse needs of ecommerce agencies with advanced features including Ads Automation and in-depth reporting. 

Additionally, SellerApp’s suite of Amazon APIs enables businesses to access comprehensive data for enhanced decision-making and strategy optimization.

Collectively, these advanced features position SellerApp as a reliable partner for businesses seeking to thrive on Amazon.

Agency Solutions

SellerApp provides a robust set of solutions tailored specifically for their ecommerce agency customers. These solutions include Ads Automation, Advanced Reporting, Business Monitoring, and Account Audits. 

Ads Automation helps agencies optimize and improve their clients’ campaign performance by creating rules to achieve specific objectives, such as identifying new keywords, eliminating wasted clicks, and reducing ACoS. 

The Advanced Reporting feature tracks client brand performance through detailed Market Research Reports, ASIN SUPA Reports, and Revenue Analysis, among others, providing critical insights to guide strategic decisions and make selling more of your most profitable products easier.  

Business Monitoring is a feature that offers comprehensive reports on Share of Voice (SOV) analysis, keyword analysis, and B2B reports, delivering valuable insights into business strengths and areas for improvement. Account Audits provide an in-depth look at how the most profitable products are presented online, including aspects like unit session percentage, listings, keywords, A+ content, and pricing, ensuring that all elements are optimized for better customer engagement and sales performance.

Amazon APIs

SellerApp’s extensive suite of Amazon APIs offers businesses comprehensive data access to enhance their decision-making processes. The Product Keyword API retrieves keyword combinations based on relevance, search volume, and CPC, helping businesses improve organic ranking and PPC campaigns, putting themselves in front of the right customers. 

Features such as the Keyword Tracking API provides insights into the organic ranking of keywords used in listings and PPC campaigns, analyzing metrics such as page rank, position, and index status while the Amazon Scraping API unlocks crucial insights related to pricing, reviews, market trends, and competitor analysis, facilitating strategic decisions that help you decide which are your most lucrative products and campaigns. 

Other APIs include the Product Trends API, which provides data on top-selling products, and the Listing Quality API, which identifies specific attributes that influence conversions. The FBA Fees API helps businesses accurately calculate revenue estimates by retrieving FBA fees. 

In summation, SellerApp’s Amazon APIs provide detailed and actionable data, allowing businesses to fine-tune their strategies and enhance their performance Amazon marketplace performance.

SellerApp is well suited for e-commerce businesses, particularly sellers, seeking to optimize their performance and enhance their presence on online marketplaces. It has a diverse customer base, from small businesses to mid-market enterprises, offering a suite of advanced features and tools for streamlining tasks such as research, a keyword research tool, advertising campaign management, and performance tracking. 

Free Plan
Trial Period
Entry Plan
Premium Plan
Amazon Optimization
Supplier Database
Walmart Integration
Transparent Pricing
Scam Reports
Refund Policy
Clear Terms Of Service
Free Plan :
Trial Period : 7 – 14 day
Entry Plan : $99/month
Premium Plan : $499/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :
Helium 10
Free Plan :
Trial Period :
Entry Plan : $39/month
Premium Plan : $279/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :
Jungle Scout
Free Plan :
Trial Period :
Entry Plan : $49/month
Premium Plan : $199/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :
Viral Launch
Free Plan :
Trial Period : 14 day
Entry Plan : $69/month
Premium Plan : $199/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :

However, anyone considering becoming a customer of SellerApp might also want to review some of the main alternatives (with similar features) like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, or Viral Launch for their specialized tools and dedicated support tailored specifically to Amazon and e-commerce businesses. 

Helium 10

  • A comprehensive suite of tools covering product research, listing optimization, and business scaling.
  • Appeals to entrepreneurs aiming to improve Amazon sales potential.
  • Offers a wide range of features for comprehensive business optimization.

Jungle Scout

  • Exclusive focus on Amazon businesses, providing robust analytics capabilities.
  • Extensive training through its Academy, catering directly to Amazon sellers’ needs.
  • Specialized functionalities tailored specifically to navigating the complexities of the Amazon marketplace.

Viral Launch

  • Excels in features such as product launches, keyword research, and listing optimization.
  • Offers comprehensive tools for enhancing product visibility and sales performance.
  • It may have a higher price point compared to SellerApp, but it provides personalized support and specialized functionalities for driving success on Amazon.

Leave your review

We hope the above review has helped you make an informed decision for you, your business and your customers. 

Please share your SellerApp experience to help other entrepreneurs make important business decisions. Your review provides valuable insights for others navigating e-commerce.


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4.1 out of 5 stars (based on 1 reviews)

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