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AMZScout Review and Comparisons

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Darren DeMatas

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Arbitrage and dropshipping entrepreneurs, whether beginner or seasoned, are always on the scout for the next big product opportunity on Amazon. Amazon keyword tools play a crucial role in identifying products that have the potential of turning into goldmines. However, the process is often daunting:

  • Sifting through a multitude of items.
  • Deciphering sales estimates.
  • Getting accurate data can be overwhelming.

Fortunately, a solution exists to simplify all these tasks and empower entrepreneurs in their quest for lucrative Amazon endeavors – and that solution is known as AMZScout. Read on and dive deep into our comprehensive AMZScout review.

Pros and Cons
Super Simple to Use
Great Training Resources
Good Product Trends Data
Clunky Chrome Extentions
Lacks PPC Features
Lacks Marketing Features
Value 5.0
Features 4.1
Customer Support 2.5
Scalability 1.0
Overall Score
User Rating
1 reviews

What Is AMZScout

Established in 2017, AMZScout has earned its place among the reliable Amazon seller tool providers within a relatively short period. The visionary founder, Valery Petrov, saw the emerging interest in online sales and forged a solution that aligns with Amazon’s selling platform dynamics. 


The company is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, but its influence spans globally, helping thousands of Amazon sellers worldwide. AMZScout’s primary mission is to empower sellers by providing accurate data and insights for better decision-making and enhanced online selling performance. The company stands tall on its core belief of making Amazon selling easy, efficient, and profitable for everyone. 

Over the years, AMZScout has grown from a novel start-up to a competitive player in the e-commerce tools industry, serving over 40,000 customers and making its name synonymous with successful Amazon selling. Other notable facts about AMZScout are its commitment to continuous innovation, user-friendly interface, and status as a trusted Amazon partner.

AMZScout Home 2024

AMZScout Pros

  • Simple for newcomers to quickly understand and use.
  • The accuracy of its data is another big advantage. AMZScout prides itself on providing reliable and actionable insights that give you a competitive advantage.
  • Furthermore, the platform offers extensive resources for customer learning. You’ll find resources to empower your knowledge in Amazon selling, from webinars and training videos to blogs and guides.

AMZScout Cons

  • The multiple Chrome extensions are a bit cumbersome to use.
  • On the downside, AMZScout lacks a PPC management feature, meaning this tool won’t help you manage your Amazon PPC campaigns. Its functionalities can also overwhelm users unfamiliar with Amazon selling.
  • The second drawback is the availability of its customer support. While it does provide hands-on support, some users have expressed concerns about response times during off-hours or weekends.
  • Another disadvantage is the lack of review generation or email marketing tools. These are vital features for maintaining customer relationships and enhancing product visibility, yet AMZScout does not offer any built-in solutions in this area. This may require additional seller investments for third-party tools to cover these aspects.

If you’re considering AMZScout for your Amazon business, multiple pricing plans are available to suit varying budgets and specific needs. They have done a great job of providing options that work well for every type of seller, from the novice just starting out to seasoned pros who need a comprehensive suite of tools. In addition, they offer a 10-day money-back guarantee, so you can give it a test spin without any risk. 

Free Plan
Trial Period
Entry Plan
Premium Plan
Amazon Optimization
Supplier Database
Walmart Integration
Transparent Pricing
Scam Reports
Refund Policy
Clear Terms Of Service
Free Plan :
Trial Period :
Entry Plan : $49.99/month
Premium Plan :
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :

As a user, your pricing plan largely depends on your unique needs and how frequently you intend to use the platform. If your selection is based more on a monthly need or perhaps you’re trying out the service for the first time, the monthly subscription of $49 could be an ideal option. It provides you the flexibility to discontinue if your plans change or if you find it doesn’t meet your expectations, thanks to the 10-day money-back guarantee. 

Pricing Plans and Packages

AMZScout Pricing

On the other hand, if the scope of your Amazon business requires constant and prolonged usage, you may want to consider the annual subscription. This will cost you $379 a year, proving more economical than the monthly plan. It affords you a total savings of $209 across twelve months, which is an advantage if you intend to use AMZScout regularly. Do not forget that with the assurance of a 10-day money-back guarantee, you can confidently invest in this plan for the long haul. 

Finally, AMZScout offers a lifetime subscription for $799. This plan is perfect for you if you’re confident in your long-term ecommerce journey and plan to use the tools continuously. Opting for lifetime access allows you to forget regular renewals and focus solely on your Amazon business, saving time and money. Remember, such a one-off payment could be a cost-effective choice in the long run, with unlimited access to all features. Plus, the 10-day money-back guarantee gives you peace of mind, ensuring you make the right investment for your business.

Let’s delve deeper into AMZScout’s toolkit. Its vast array of features and tools make it stand out, and they are meticulously designed to ease your Amazon business operations. From product hunt, sales stats metrics, and competitor tracking to keyword analysis, AMZScout’s suite leaves no stone unturned. 

Research Features
Keyword Research
Product Research
Competitor Insights
Rank Tracking
Listing Optimization
Chrome Extension
Supplier Database
Sales Analysis
AMZScoutAMZScout Features
Keyword Research :
Product Research :
Competitor Insights :
Rank Tracking :
Listing Optimization :
Chrome Extension :
Supplier Database :
Sales Analysis :
  • One powerful tool that deserves mention is the Product Database. Essentially, this tool is a warehouse of ideas for your next product. It lets you scour through millions of products on Amazon using filters such as category, price, or sales, ensuring you always have many options at your fingertips. 
  • Similarly, AMZScout offers the Niche Finder, a tool to uncover profitable niches within the Amazon marketplace. It helps you understand specific categories’ demand, competition, and profitability. 
  • Understanding the importance of keyword optimization for visibility, AMZScout also provides a stellar Keyword Explorer. This tool reveals the most searched and profitable keywords to help you rank better in Amazon SERPs. 
  • Lastly, there’s the impressive Hijacker Alert tool. This helps you safeguard your listings by providing instant alerts when unauthorized sellers try to latch onto your products. 

In addition to all these features, AMZScout also provides a handy Chrome extension. Simply known as AMZScout PRO Extension, this web app brings all the power of AMZScout’s toolkit right to your browser, further streamlining your Amazon business operations. 

Amazon com Best Sellers The most popular items on Amazon

No review of AMZScout would be complete without a look at their Listing Builder. This ingenious tool fundamentally changes the way you create your product listings. With it, you get to craft optimized listings that attract and engross potential customers, thereby increasing your conversion rates and overall sales.

Product Research Capabilities

When discussing product research, AMZScout stands out as a truly remarkable tool. Its proficient research characteristics allow you to explore the colossal Amazon marketplace extensively.

The software’s sophisticated algorithm doesn’t leave any stone unturned and thoroughly scans millions of products across different categories. This offers unrivaled insight into your prospective product’s feasibility, profit margins, saturation, and demand, along with its product score based on its quality and performance. 

Their product database will break down each product opportunity for reselling or private labeling.

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The platform has several features designed for effective product discovery, one of which is a keyword planner. Here, you can feed in your preferred keyword, leading to an array of product ideas linked to that particular keyword. Importantly, AMZScout also provides the search volume for these keywords, which can help you understand the popularity and demand for these products. 

Moreover, considering your prior searches, the software’s intelligent system suggests trending products and offers custom-tailored recommendations. Together, these features present promising products while drastically reducing your research time. 

AMZScout also proudly delivers one of the best product history trackers in the business. With this tool, you can monitor a product’s historical data, such as price, rank, sales, and search volume, providing a clear picture of the product’s performance over time. This priceless insight helps you project potential trends and ensures your decisions are factual and data-dependent. 

In addition, the software boasts an impressive market trend analysis feature. This enables users to keep track of seasonal trends, top-selling Amazon products, and the performance of specific product categories. It also provides a filterable price range to analyze products within a specific price bracket. The feature’s user-friendly data-rich graphs visually represent market trends, empowering you to make well-informed product decisions.

Product Trends

ASIN Look Up

Stepping up the game is the ASIN Lookup feature by AMZScout. A powerful tool dedicated to elevating your product strategy, this feature stands out in AMZScout’s array of Amazon business suites.

AMZScout ASIN Lookup

With ASIN Lookup, you get deep, real-time insights into any product’s metrics, including sales, price history, and competitor tactics. Uncovering such crucial information allows you to analyze and replicate successful strategies, facilitating strategic decisions. The ASIN Lookup is an indispensable resource in your AMZScout toolkit that paves the way to attaining a competitive edge in your Amazon business.

Listing Builder

The Listing Builder integrates with the Keyword Explorer. It identifies high-ranking keywords related to your product and dynamically incorporates them into your listing. The result? An expertly optimized listing that ranks high for all the right keywords and brings your products to the attention they deserve.

Furthermore, with the Listing Builder, you no longer have to worry about exceeding Amazon’s character limits for titles, bullets, and descriptions. The tool takes care of it all, ensuring your listings meet Amazon’s guidelines while being highly persuasive and engaging for your customers.

Indeed, the Listing Builder is yet another testament to AMZScout’s dedication to providing tools that make managing your Amazon business easier and more effective.

Competitor Analysis

The strength of AMZScout lies in its ability to exhaustively examine your competitors. It facilitates a nuanced understanding of your competition by planting a virtual magnifying glass over their sales data, performance history, and customer reviews. Let’s dive into how you can leverage this feature to your advantage. 

Firstly, AMZScout allows you to peer into the sales volume of competing products. This handy tool lets you see your key competitors’ daily, monthly, and yearly sales volumes. This insight is critical when trying to gauge the market demand for a product and helps you identify whether it’s worth investing in. 

AMZScout Product History

Additionally, AMZScout gives you a snapshot of your competitors’ sales performance and tracks their performance over time. It provides a historical analysis that helps you understand the trends and patterns in your competitors’ sales. This will enable you to make more informed decisions about your own product portfolio. I think using all the multiple Chrome extensions is a little cumbersome. You can check the competition in the web app, and there’s a different Chrome extension to check competition and stock status – that’s at least 3 different Chrome extensions in all.

Lastly, AMZScout assesses customer reviews of your competitors’ products. This provides valuable consumer feedback that you can use to improve your own offerings or identify gaps in the market that your products could fill. This powerful insight can help shape your product development and branding strategies, giving you a competitive edge.

Now, let’s dive deeper into another standout feature of AMZScout—the listing optimization score. Instead of leaving you to do all the work, AMZScout goes a step further to evaluate each listing meticulously and assign it an optimization score. This outstanding feature takes the guesswork out of your decision-making process. 

This unique scoring system considers multiple factors, such as the quality and relevance of product images, titles, descriptions, and other key aspects that contribute to a product’s attractiveness and saleability on Amazon. A high optimization score indicates that a product listing is well-optimized, making it more likely to attract buyers and generate sales. 

More importantly, the listing quality score feature helps you spot potential opportunities that may have been overlooked. This is significant, isn’t it? For instance, a product with a low score may indicate an inadequately optimized listing, allowing you to swoop in, improve the listing, and enjoy higher visibility and sales. This characteristic sets the AMZScout tool apart and provides users with a practical and effective method to stay ahead in the competitive Amazon marketplace. 

Sales Estimation Accuracy

AMZScout is known for its incredible accuracy in Amazon sales estimation. This powerful tool consolidates historical data and analyzes market trends, giving you a comprehensive view of potential sales. With precise estimation figures, entrepreneurs can make well-informed decisions that substantially augment their business growth. 

Through its Sales Estimator, AMZScout makes it easy for sellers to anticipate the potential sales numbers they might generate from a particular product or category. This tool effectively estimates the sales volume and reveals the product’s profitability. Thus, it ensures that every decision is backed by data, not assumptions or gut feelings. 

Furthermore, AMZScout’s sales estimation accuracy allows users to gauge market demand and strategize accordingly. You can identify products with high demand and lesser competition, increasing your chances of generating more profits. This reliable tool equips you with the knowledge required to stay ahead in the dynamic Amazon marketplace.

It should also be mentioned that AMZScout uses a unique algorithm that calculates sales data based on real-time statistics and diversified information sources. This acute accuracy in sales estimation makes it a truly indispensable tool for new and seasoned Amazon sellers.

Seller Hook By AMZScout

While discussing auxiliary services, it’s hard to overstate the importance of the Alibaba Supplier Check service that AMZScout provides. This feature allows Amazon sellers to source their products from reputable and trusted suppliers, thereby mitigating the risk of poor-quality products or potential scams. You can find this feature here.


The Alibaba Supplier Check service integrates seamlessly with the AMZScout suite of tools. With it, Amazon sellers can directly import product information and suppliers’ data from Alibaba to AMZScout, significantly simplifying Amazon’s product research and sourcing processes. 

What’s noteworthy about this service is the extent of detail that it offers. It provides comprehensive supplier profiles with business information, product lines, quality control measures, certifications, and R&D capabilities. Thorough verification and overviews of the supplier’s previous transactions and trade capabilities lend a layer of security and peace of mind. 

Overall, the Alibaba supplier checks service from AMZScout is a complete game-changer. When used with tools like SellerHook, it presents a formidable asset for any Amazon seller intent on scaling their business. Your next supplier might just be a few clicks away.

FBA Calculator

One tool that gets a lot of interest among AMZScout users is the FBA Calculator. This online tool is an Amazon seller’s best friend, and AMZScout has made it incredibly user-friendly. The FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) Calculator allows you to compute the potential profit for any product on the Amazon marketplace. 

Once you identify a product, you can input the cost, shipping fees, and any other associated expenses. The calculator then processes this data, taking into account Amazon’s fees, to provide an accurate estimate of your potential profit margin. What’s astounding about this feature is that it not only considers Amazon’s FBA Fees but also other important factors such as product size, weight, and category. 

As a user, this information gives you a clear view of your potential profitability before investing your time and resources into selling a particular product. With the FBA Calculator, AMZScout has made it easier for sellers to make more informed decisions about their business.

Research Features
Keyword Research
Product Research
Competitor Insights
Rank Tracking
Listing Optimization
Chrome Extension
Supplier Database
Sales Analysis
AMZScoutAMZScout Features
Keyword Research :
Product Research :
Competitor Insights :
Rank Tracking :
Listing Optimization :
Chrome Extension :
Supplier Database :
Sales Analysis :

AMZScout Features

Customer Support and Training Resources

Regarding AMZScout’s customer support, knowing what you’re getting – or not getting – is important beforehand. Unfortunately, this platform lacks certain crucial aspects that some users might find essential. Namely, there is no phone support available, nor is there a dedicated account manager to assist you with any potential issues that might arise. 

Dedicated AM
Phone Support
Help Center
24/7 Support
Live Chat
AMZScoutAMZScout Support
Dedicated AM :
Phone Support :
Help Center :
24/7 Support :
Live Chat :
Courses :

Furthermore, they do not offer 24/7 support. While we acknowledge that this can be seen as a downside, it’s worth noting that these are often the norm in similar software platforms; these drawbacks do not necessarily reflect a subpar service from AMZScout. 

On the brighter side, AMZScout shines in other areas of customer service. Despite the shortcomings, they compensate with a thorough offering of tutorials and training. This abundance of educational resources is intended to arm users with the information they need to navigate the platform effectively and utilize its features to their maximum potential. Hence, users with a keen understanding or those interested in self-learning will find the resources extremely insightful.

This is one area in which AMZScout falls flat compared to the market leaders. I will say that AMZScout is fantastic for beginners that are looking to get started selling on Amazon, and that’s the target audience. If you are a larger company or established on Amazon, you’ll find the growth features are lacking.

Growth Features
PPC Optimization
Review Generation
Inventory Management
AI Assistance
Managed Services
FBA Reimbursement
Customizable Alerts
AMZScoutAMZScout Scalability
PPC Optimization :
Review Generation :
Inventory Management :
AI Assistance :
Walmart :
Managed Services :
FBA Reimbursement :
Customizable Alerts :

When exploring the domain of product research tools, some prominent names are worth considering as alternatives to AMZScout. Different tools often offer variations in their functionalities, so it’s essential to find the one that fits your unique needs.

Free Plan
Trial Period
Entry Plan
Premium Plan
Amazon Optimization
Supplier Database
Walmart Integration
Transparent Pricing
Scam Reports
Refund Policy
Clear Terms Of Service
Free Plan :
Trial Period :
Entry Plan : $49.99/month
Premium Plan :
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :
Helium 10
Free Plan :
Trial Period :
Entry Plan : $39/month
Premium Plan : $279/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :
Jungle Scout
Free Plan :
Trial Period :
Entry Plan : $49/month
Premium Plan : $199/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :
Viral Launch
Free Plan :
Trial Period : 14 day
Entry Plan : $69/month
Premium Plan : $199/month
Amazon Optimization :
Supplier Database :
Walmart Integration :
Transparent Pricing :
Scam Reports :
Refund Policy :
Clear Terms Of Service :
  1. Jungle Scout: This is a popular name in the Amazon seller community, and it is well known for its high-end user interface and data accuracy. Jungle Scout provides comprehensive tools for product research, keyword tracking, and competitor analysis. However, it’s slightly more pricey compared to AMZScout.
  2. Helium 10: This tool suite has features that make it a worthy competitor to AMZScout. Helium 10 offers a wide range of tools for product research, keyword discovery, listing optimization, and more. One downside might be its complexity, which could be daunting if you’re new to the Amazon selling game. 
  3. Viral Launch: Viral Launch might be a suitable contender if you’re looking for a more affordable option. This tool offers solid functionality in product discovery, keyword research, and market intelligence analytics. Its more simplified design, however, means it might not offer the same depth of features as AMZScout or other advanced tools. 

AMZScout vs. Jungle Scout vs. Helium 10

The realm of ecommerce, especially on platforms like Amazon, is an ever-evolving landscape. The challenge? Identifying lucrative product opportunities amidst many offerings may seem like finding a needle in a haystack. Recognizing the complexity of navigating such a diverse marketplace, the industry has catered tools specifically tailored for these challenges – AMZScout, Helium 10, and Jungle Scout. But how do we know which one will serve your business best? 

Picking the right tool depends heavily on the scope and scale of your business in terms of what marketplaces you are targeting.

AMZScout has become a robust tool that is ideal for single-marketplace-centric businesses such as Amazon. This platform provides detailed product opportunity scouting, niche score generation, and comprehensive market analysis. If your business targets multiple marketplaces, then Helium 10 comes into the limelight with its wider set of features.

AMZScout Keyword Research

When compared to Helium 10, AMZScout has fewer filtering options and also displays less data. You can see that Helium 10’s Black Box has a more robust keyword research feature. The search results also include price, monthly sales and revenue. All critical information when researching products on Amazon.

Black Box Keywords Helium 10 1

With Jungle Scout, you get a just as proficient tool in spotting promising product opportunities on Amazon. Though it doesn’t cover multiple marketplaces like Helium 10, its historical data and automated features offer an in-depth understanding of market trends in a particular niche. Above all, you get all these features at a more affordable price than its competitors. 

  • Product Opportunities: All three tools – Jungle Scout, AMZScout, and Helium 10, are excellent at identifying product prospects. While AMZScout and Jungle Scout focus primarily on Amazon, Helium 10 spreads its wings to span multiple marketplaces.
  • Niche Score: All three tools offer niche scoring capabilities, a crucial factor for businesses to identify profitable niches efficiently.
  • Market Analysis: Understanding the ins and outs of your marketplace is an absolute must before you dive in. AMZScout and Jungle Scout provide an intensive analysis of Amazon’s market, while Helium 10 broadens its view to encompass multiple markets.

In conclusion, picking between AMZScout, Jungle Scout, or Helium 10 depends on your business’s specific needs and objectives. For Amazon-focused sellers, both AMZScout and Jungle Scout are dependable, whereas Helium 10 stands as an unbeatable choice for a broader marketplace reach.

Is AMZScout Worth It For Amazon Sellers?

So, is AMZScout the tool that will transform your Amazon selling game? Well, the answer tends to vary depending on the factors related to your specific ecommerce needs as an online seller. However, AMZScout is a strong choice for beginners in the field, emphasizing simplicity and ease of understanding. 

A huge advantage of AMZScout is its one-time payment option. Instead of dealing with the worry of monthly subscriptions, this model provides restful ease, making it much less daunting for those just wading into the waters of Amazon FBA. This is especially handy for individuals starting product research and who don’t want to commit heavy finances from the get-go. 

In terms of product research, AMZScout shines. It’s an excellent resource for beginners searching for lucrative product ideas, as it integrates a robust product database and intuitive trend-tracking features. This allows you to keep your fingers on the pulse of the ever-changing Amazon marketplace. 

However, while AMZScout could be your best friend at the start of your eCommerce journey, this might not always be the case. Once you start pushing volume on Amazon and gain experience, other platforms could offer more comprehensive tools and features. 

For those seasoned sellers, we would most probably recommend considering Helium 10. This platform offers various advanced features and integrates well with numerous systems. But that’s not to underplay the role of AMZScout; it could still act as a reliable go-to when you need quick, effortless, and precise data checks. 

So, all in all, AMZScout might be an excellent starting point in your journey to becoming a successful Amazon seller. Yet, as you develop and expand, you might need more advanced toolkits like Helium 10. 

What Do You Think? Share Your AMZ Scout Review!

In conclusion, whether AMZScout is the best FBA tool greatly depends on your unique circumstances and needs as an Amazon seller. We would love to hear your opinions and experiences with AMZScout. Which features do you love? Which ones do you think need improvement? Let us know in the comments!

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3.3 out of 5 stars (based on 1 reviews)

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